Why is Staging Important?

Staging is an important part of the selling process, especially for homes in areas where there’s a lot of competition. It helps your home stand out from the crowd. Good staging lets the buyers imagine themselves in the home, shows off its good features and shows how spaces can be best used. It also makes the home look significantly better in photos.
It is a fact that staged homes sell faster than non-staged. According to the National Association of Realtors, 77% of buyers’ agents say staging a home makes it easier for a buyer to visualize the property as their future home. Staging helps homes to be sold at higher prices. According to the Real Estate Staging Association, staged homes sell on average 17% higher than non-staged homes.

You don’t have to be a millionaire or even spend thousands of dollars in order to stage your home or apartment. Even simple touches like neatly making the bed and placing flowers in a room will increase its appeal. Our E- design homestaging consultations will help you spruce up your home without breking the bank. The key thing to note is the requirement of having an eye for detail and ability to present it in such a way that will help buying desire instantly kick in.

Staging is important when trying to sell or rent out a property, and it can bring in more enquires. With Elmas Interiors Home staging full services  we will handle  all aspects of the staging for you and you will  be able to ;

  • Improve visual appeal of your home.
  • Help you to make the most profit
  • Avoid losing a sale
  • Gain competitive advantage in a glutted market
  • You will sell the home in the shortest amount of time possible

Elmas Interiors tips on how to stage your home

  1. A clean home shows potential buyers that you’ve taken good care of the property
  2. Neutralise your property-paint the walls with a neutral colour
  3. De-clutter
  4. Get Rid of Personal Items
  5. Organize Closets and Cupboards
  6. Buyers will notice the kitchen first, keep it in a show ready condition.
  7. Bathrooms should be clean, organized and sparkling!
  8. Make sure furniture is the right size for the room, and don’t clutter a room with too much of it.
  9. Remove pet items or other odors
  10. Let in the light
  11. Deodorize, Clean and Repair
  12. A few potted plants can do wonders to make your home feel fresh and inviting
  13. Remember Less is More!

Our designer take away!

Staging is the best way to show your home to its best advantage in today’s market!

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